February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
We've been receiving many reports lately of problems accessing our website and our recordings. This is because our current web server is overloaded with traffic, so much that there is not enough capacity for everyone to be able to access things.
Of all the problems that we could have, we suppose this is one of the better ones. It just means we need a more powerful web server! And with the fundraiser we just concluded, that very thing is coming.
Over the last two weeks, our Technical Director has been busy assembling our new server and installing all of the software. His initial benchmarks show that it should handle 15 to 20 times the amount of traffic that the current server does! That's up to twice what he had predicted.
We are planning to put the new server in place of the old one this coming weekend. It may be as early as Saturday evening the 26th, but more likely Sunday morning the 27th. Please note that there may be up to an hour during the changeover process, where our website will be inaccessible. We apologize for this in advance.
Once again, we offer a hearty Thank-You to all of those who donated for the new web server project, as well as to those who have supported AudioVerse through the years, financially and otherwise. We are simultaneously humbled and awed at what a great work the Lord is doing through this ministry! We credit Him for every good thing that has come out of it, and we hope and pray for wisdom and strength to keep the ministry in the path that He can bless. We welcome your prayers for the same.
The AudioVerse Team